Gennem performances arbejder Signe med systemkritik og fremadrettede tilgange, som åbner op for muligheden for samskabelse og udforsker ideer om, hvordan vi kan forestille os alternative systemer. Hun beskæftiger sig med økosystemkrisen fra flere perspektiver med det formål at belyse nutiden, skabe visioner for fremtiden og opleve vores verden i fællesskab.

Performancerne kan kombineres med forskellige samtale- og workshop-lignende metoder for at opfordre publikum til at reflektere over tematikkerne og deres egen rolle i den aktuelle kontekst. For eksempel anvendes sanseaktiverende interaktioner eller spektrumøvelser, der får deltagerne til at overveje, hvad det vil sige at tænke utopisk eller regenerativt, eller reflektere over, hvornår de finder det passende at tage handling og modstå destruktive og undertrykkende strukturer.

Through performances, Signe work with systemic critique and forward-thinking approaches, inviting the possibility of co-creation and exploring ideas on how we can envision alternative systems. She engage with the ecological crisis from multiple perspectives, aiming to shed light on the present, envision the future, and experience our world collectively.

The performances can be combined with various conversation and workshop-like methods to encourage the audience to reflect on the themes and their own role in the contemporary context. For example, sensory-activating interactions or spectrum exercises are used, prompting participants to consider what it means to think utopically or regeneratively, or to reflect on when they find it appropriate to take action and resist destructive and oppressive structures.


Death to The Death Star

performance at Vestjyllandsudstillingen 2023

Death to The Death Star - To Do One´s Best

performance 2022


Corridors of Voices - Time to speak up and listen to the birds

workshop and performance at SMK 2021

photo: Frida Gregersen


Who Ate From the Sun / Hvem spiste af solen

performance, Gul festival, Country Town, Dybe, 2021 

There Are No More Dolls In the Closet

performance, TOP Lab/ Schillerpalais, Berlin, 2017