Signe Vad 2017
Schiller palais, Berlin
En forelæsning, performance og udstilling om Homo Carnôsa – en science fiction om kvælningen af vores blod og mavenes blødhed, om luften mellem os og kroppens byggesten. (varighed 15-20 min)
Kunstværkerne er en installation, primært bestående af fotografiske værker, om Homo Carnôsa – 'Mennesket af Kød' – et projekt, som Signe Vad har arbejdet på i årevis.Til udstillingen på >top Schillerpalais There's No More Dolls In The Closet Only a Respirator udvider Signe kødtemaet med en ny vinkel, denne gang kombineret med en performance, en sci-fi fortælling om 'Homo Carnôsa's' selvdestruktion.
*I serien Homo Carnōsa (Mennesket af Kød) vendes kroppen på vrangen, og vi befinder os midt i den våde, røde mørke bughule.
I årtusinder har vi disciplineret og kontrolleret den uregerlige krop; disciplin har været kendetegnet for det civiliserede menneske. Videnskaben har derimod gransket den menneskelige anatomi i mindste detalje.Der findes en tredje krop, som ikke kan indrammes af kulturelle tabuer eller videnskabelig klassificering. Den virkelige krop. Helheden, der udgør vores væren-i-verden, nemlig: Homo Carnōsa anno 2017.
Untitled 2017
A Lecture , performance and exhibition about Homo Carnôsa - a science fiction about the sufforcation of our blood and the softness of the stomach, about the air between us and the body's building blocks. (duration 15-20 min)The artworks an installation of mostly photographic works, about "Homo Carnosa", – 'Human of Flesh' –a project Signe Vad have been working on for years.For the show at >top Schillerpalais There's No More Dolls In The Closet Only a Respirator, Signe expands the flesh theme with a new angle, this time it s combined with a performance, the sci-fi story about the self-destruction of 'Homo Carnosa'.*In the series Homo Carnōsa (Human of Flesh) the body is turned inside out and we find ourselves in the midst of the wet, red darkness of the abdominal cavity.For millennia we have disciplined and restrained the unruly body, discipline being the hallmark of the civilised human being. Science, on the other hand, has scrutinised human anatomy in minute detail.There is a third body, which cannot be contained by cultural taboos or scientific classification. The real body. The entirety that constitutes our being-in-the-world, namely: Homo Carnōsa anno 2017
Latex untitled 2017
Installation view
We all Mix Blood 01 og 03
experiments with a variation of liquids and photographic Fine Art prints on ink jet paper, framed with museumglass 2017
Untitled 2017
Newspaper paint. Unica 2017
Installation view
Installation view
Parts of the performance